Ricardo Mondragon’s ongoing works

Spherical Harmony (2022)

Spherical Harmony (2022)

Ricardo Mondragon’s ongoing works are completely based around sound waves. He’s made 3D pieces of cymatics, sine waves, visual depictions of rhythm, and so on. While all of his works interest me, his most interesting pieces are Spherical Harmony, Eye Am, and Internal Waveform. The first two, Spherical Harmony and Eye Am are essentially 3D depictions of Cymatics. I believe he generates the waveforms on a computer, creates a 3D model, and uses thin sheets of plywood to cut each section on a CNC before gluing the pieces together and sanding them to their final form. His pieces made me think of how I could take cymatics and make 3D forms out of them.

I’ve been curious about sound waves and discovered Mondragon’s work because of this curiosity. He’s the first artist I’ve found that has taken cymatics and turned them into 3D objects. Where I differ from Mondragon is that I am weary about using computer generated images to depict something that is natural. I’d like to experiment with cymatics in a real life situation where I can view them in person.


Pouring plaster moulds


Oliver Beer “Resonance Paintings”